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What's in this bundle


Featuring functional mushrooms, Lac-Shield postbiotic, and minor cannabinoids, this immune gummy taken daily can boost your immune system.

When to take: AM

SomniVive Tincture

Quality sleep is critical for your immune system to re-charge and get ready to protect you throughout the day. Sleep well with Melatonin, 5-HTP, and GABA along with CBN and CBD.

When to take: PM

Sereniplex Tincture

Stress can cause your immune system to suffer. Manage stress pro-actively by taking SereniPlex each morning.

When to take: AM

Products Benefit When to Take
ImmunoEze Featuring functional mushrooms, Lac-Shield postbiotic, and minor cannabinoids, this immune gummy taken daily can boost your immune system. AM
SomniVive Tincture Quality sleep is critical for your immune system to re-charge and get ready to protect you throughout the day. Sleep well with Melatonin, 5-HTP, and GABA along with CBN and CBD. PM
Sereniplex Tincture Stress can cause your immune system to suffer. Manage stress pro-actively by taking SereniPlex each morning. AM

What's in this bundle

SereniPlex Gummy

Calm in a bottle. Featuring Zembrin to calm your nerves and promote a feeling of serenity.

When to take: AM

SomniVive Gummy

Because those voices keep going - GABA can calm those down.

When to take: PM

CogniActiv Gummy

Curve balls are tough, so stay focused on the tasks at hand, whether work or play, with CogniActiv.

When to take: AM

Products Benefit When to Take
SereniPlex Gummy Calm in a bottle. Featuring Zembrin to calm your nerves and promote a feeling of serenity. AM
SomniVive Gummy Because those voices keep going - GABA can calm those down. PM
CogniActiv Gummy Curve balls are tough, so stay focused on the tasks at hand, whether work or play, with CogniActiv. AM

What's in this bundle

Glunozym Peach

Cut carbs by taking this gummy before each high carb or high starch meal.

When to take: Before meals

500mg Roll-on

Recover and ease your body with Ananda's #1 topical.

When to take: post-activity

600mg tincture

Optimize your endocannabinoid system with Ananda's number one product.

When to take: daily

Products Benefit When to Take
Glunozym Peach Cut carbs by taking this gummy before each high carb or high starch meal. Before meals
500mg Roll-on Recover and ease your body with Ananda's #1 topical. post-activity
600mg tincture Optimize your endocannabinoid system with Ananda's number one product. daily

What's in this bundle

Glunozym Peach

Don't absorb all those carbs, take Glunozym before you get there.

When to take: Pre-tailgate

60ct Softgel

Don't miss the game. Your bladder has receptors, calm those receptors and slow your go.

When to take: Pre-game

InflaEze Tincture

Recover with Ananda. Either before bed or first thing in the morning.

When to take: Evening or morning

Products Benefit When to Take
Glunozym Peach Don't absorb all those carbs, take Glunozym before you get there. Pre-tailgate
60ct Softgel Don't miss the game. Your bladder has receptors, calm those receptors and slow your go. Pre-game
InflaEze Tincture Recover with Ananda. Either before bed or first thing in the morning. Evening or morning
